
Thinking Outside the Box 4: The Future Cost Savings of the Inverted Staff

When comparing a traditional five-man rotation to the six, seven, and eight-man piggyback variations, at the end of the day you’re essentially comparing two different routes to the same destination. As with most ideological battles in life, which one is “better” is a factor of several other variables. Thinking Outside the Box: A Bullpen for […]


Closing Windows

It’s a common refrain now: the Brewers are finished with their rebuild. In terms of shedding MLB contracts for minor league assets, Milwaukee’s front office is basically done wheelin’ and dealin’. As everyone knows, veteran superstar Ryan Braun is the last remaining true trade chip, and the left fielder appears to be in the organization’s […]


Thinking Outside the Box 2: A Bullpen to Match

There are, naturally, reasons why the piggyback-style rotation has caught on in the low minors while failing to score more than a random cameo here or there at the upper levels of professional baseball. Traditionally, a team carries seven, sometimes even eight, bullpen arms. Downsizing the cleanup crew to a four-man unit would require a […]