
Dissecting The Brewers’ Team Projections

If there’s one thing that sabermetricians love, it’s projections. What can top an algorithm that tells you how well someone will play? Nothing, in our books. But problems can arise when those algorithms inevitably disagree with one another. In those situations, we have to roll up our sleeves and dive into the numbers, to try and […]


Which Brewer Had the Worst Pitch in 2015?

On Tuesday, I wrote about the best pitches that we saw from the Brewers in 2015. Jimmy Nelson’s curveball, Ariel Pena’s four-seam fastball, Francisco Rodriguez’s changeup, and Will Smith’s slider all separated themselves from the pack in a good way. Now, we come to the natural compliment to that exercise — which Milwaukee offerings proved […]


Which Brewer Had the Best Pitch in 2015?

Most fans of baseball seem to observe the game from a hitting-centric viewpoint. As Warren Spahn once quipped, “hitting is timing, pitching is upsetting timing.” This approach has never appealed to me — I think pitchers have a greater hand in the game than we credit them for. Aside from the fact that they succeed far […]

Minors Picture

Rolling Out the Barrel: Warming Up with Arizona Heat

The season is over and November is here, bringing baseball awards season with it. The Brewers, unfortunately, were (at best) mediocre is almost every single aspect of the game in 2015, and therefore don’t even have much to root for in terms of ultimately-meaningless individual awards. However, the BBWAA released it’s official ballot for the […]